Monday, May 11, 2009

Lost boys of Swat flee for their lives as fighting rages

Summary: Last Friday 20 boys escaped their orphanage as it ended up on the front-line of the Pakistani government's war with the Taliban. When fighting began in the Swat valley Pakistani soldiers used the orphanage as a look-out, and planted landmines in the playground. Later the Taliban, surrounded the building, with more than 50 orphans inside. 20 of them managed to escape on the roof of a bus which they rode for many hours, then hitched a ride on a vegetable truck. They arrived in Peshawar where they are safe and recieving counseling. The boys have witnessed much violence in their lives, sucide bombers being the worst. Many are angry with the Taliban, some are in favor. The other 24 orphans escaped the orphanage by foot, walking more than 20 miles before finding transportation, but one was left behind.

Opinion: Of all the negative affects that war brings, I believe the worst one is the affect it makes on children. Once an innocent child witnesses violence and destruction they will never be the same, it will most likely haunt them the rest of their lives. What is the cost of this? The next generations in the middle east will be scarred, their feelings of hurt, anger, and hate cannot easily be erased. How can peace be made if no one there knows what peace is? Violence is a part of their life, it is something they've always known. This is one of the most tragic things I know of. What is worst is that there is no legitimate explanation or reason to why this tragidy has to occur. I don't think that any conflict is worth the suffering that will ensue. I understand that war is a fact of life, no matter how much people want it world peace is far from happening. But I wish that in war people could at least have the decency to spare children of the horror. Children are helpless, and they should not have to pay in any way fort the mistakes their parents have made. I hope that these orphans can rise above the violence that they have lived through and fight for change in their country with words, not guns. They of all people should understand that violence solves nothing.

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