Sunday, May 17, 2009

120 degrees + 150 miles - toilet = fun

Summary: People from across the world will run 150 miles in 6 days across Namibia in Africa. They have to endure 120 degree heat, pain, limited food and water, and lack of privacy throughout. The course is difficult yet friendships and romances still form. This is a new form of race, and the company who has organized it also organized other similar races in the Sahara desert, the Gobi desert, and in a Chilean desert. Only those who successfully complete all these races can participate in a walk across Antarctica.

Opinion: I am probably not the only person who considers these athletes crazy. Their definition of fun is nowhere near mine. In my opinion 'fun' is care-free, exciting, delightful, adventurous, and, well, fun! I guess for these runners 'fun' is adventurous, but also excruciatingly painful, exhausting, tiring, and other things I don't even want to think about. I admire them for their courage, endurance, determination, and athleticism, but really isn't one marathon in a normal climate hard enough? Or 9 marathhons in regular climate? What inspired people to run a marathon in the desert in the first place? Doesn't that go against every basic instinct in the human body? I guess as the civilized world expands from continent to continent, nothing seems too difficult. The world is shrinking, and people can do all sorts of crazy things across the globe. People can run marathons in what used to be the great unknown wilderness. I think that the exlporers of our past, Magellan, Columbus, Ponce de Leon, would be proud. 

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