Thursday, March 26, 2009

Residents race to fill sandbags as flooding threatens North Dakota

Up to 6,000 homes are threatened by dangerous flood waters from the Red River in Fargo, ND.
Officials say they need about 1.5 million sandbags to stem the devestating floods. The river is expected to crest over 40 feet (flood stage is 17ft) this week, and rain over the next days will determine how bad it will be. The National Guard and FEMA have come to help, as well as many volunteers and residents. The record flood (40.1 ft) occured in 1897, but in 1997 and 2001 similarily bad flooding occured.

I completely agree with Lauren that the huge effort from our state to North Dakota to help fight the floods shows 'Minnesota Nice' is alive and well. Even though we are lucky enough to live in a town that is staying relatively dry, dozens of highschoolers devoted a day to save a strangers home. It is true that times of crisis and tragedy create community, and generosity. There is always something good that comes out of something bad, you just have to look a little harder to find it. Hopefully all the hard work of volunteers working around the clock will be enough to save thousands of homes and businesses. I still hear horrible stories from the flood of 1997, and I think everyone is hoping we can avoid the same outcome. It makes me glad to see how people can come together to help each other out, whether it benefits themself or not. Its good to know that if we ever find ourselves in a catastrophe there are always good people ready and eager to help.

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