Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama presents his first Medal of Honor

Summary: On Thursday President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to Sgt. 1st class Jared Monti, who lost his life while trying to save his comrade in Afghanistan. This was Obama's first time presenting this honor, the highest award for military valor for members of the military who risk their lives beyond the call of duty. Monti was leading a scouting mission of 16 soldiers in Afghanistan when Taliban fighters confronted them, killing one and wounding another in an instant. Monti risked his life, leaving cover twice to retrieve the soldier, but on his third attempt was killed. Obama: "Do we truly understand the nature of these virtues, to serve and to sacrifice? Jared Monti knew. The Monti family knows. And they know that the actions we honor today were not a passing moment of courage. They were the culmination of a life of character and commitment."

Opinion: This is such a tragic, yet inspiring story. I wish that our soldiers would recieve more recognition like this for the extreme courage and sacrafice that they endure each day for the sake of those of us at home. Yet, it seems that people like Monti are mostly overlooked in the media, and by average Americans. The war in Afghanistan is getting to be very bloody, and I know the government is wrestling with the decision to either send more troops, leave completely, or do nothing. I feel that this war is not benefiting us in any way. It is only causing the deaths of good people like Jared Monti. I think that the sooner we distance ourselves from this war the better, but at the same time I don't want Monti's sacrafice to go to waste.