Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ships head for area where airplane debris spotted

Summary: On Tuesday three commercial ships are supposed to arrive at a debris filled area of the Atlantic, which is believed to be related to the Air France airplane that disappeared on Monday. Searchers already found an orange life vest, an airplane seat, and other debris more than 650 miles from the Brazilian coast. The plane encountered turbulence Monday on its flight from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Paris, France it lost pressure, and made final contact at 2:33 am on Monday. 216 passengers and 12 crew were onboard, including 7 children, a baby, 2 Americans, a member of the Brazilian royal family, and people from dozens of other nations. The pilots wer very experienced, and the plane was modern and 4 years ole. The prospects of finding survivors is very low.

Opinion: This kind of news is always so disheartening. When I first heard about the missing plane, my first instinct was that everything would be ok. I suppose I'm used to the scenarios from movies, or even from the incredible landing in the Hudson River this year. Then reality hits, real life usually doesn't have a happy ending. I still am hoping for some sort of miracle, for at least one survivor, but its so unlikely. This is a kind of tragidy that affects the whole world. The people on that airplane were from dozens of countries, each person had countless relatives and friends. The deaths of  228 people impact hundreds, or thousands of other people. Besides that I am sure that many people will be terrified to fly. Knowing that 'driving is safer than flying' really isn't too much of a comfort. I'll be listnening for any new developments in this horrible story.
