Thursday, February 12, 2009

Obama urges Americans to follow Lincoln

President Obama spoke on Thursday, Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday, calling on Americans to follow Lincoln's example. He said Lincoln didn't seek revenge against confederate soldiers after the war, knowing this was the only way to heal the nation. Obama compared the division in the country then to today, with republicans giving almost no support to the stimulus plan. Obama has given many tributes to Lincoln; he began his campaign in Lincoln's hometown, used the same train-route Lincoln did to the innaguration, using Lincoln's bible, and and more. Both men were great communicators, had independant advisors, were lawyers who served in the Illinois legislature, had short Washington careers, 'inexperienced', and became president. Obama is one of Lincoln's biggest admirers, a black man following in the footsteps of the great emancipator. Some say it's risky for Obama to compare himself to this great man, but today he simply said Lincoln was a man who faced a crisis and succeeded. I don't think Obama could have chosen a more worthy historical icon than Lincoln to try to bring our country together. In my opinion, Lincoln was our greatest president who made the biggest impact on our country. He not only reunited the north and south but also ended the most horrific piece of our past, slavery. It may be that Obama is setting the bar high with comparisons between the two, but I think that by doing this he is giving people hope, and he is setting a precident for himself to be the greatest president he can be. Hope has been the biggest message in his campaign. I wonder how Lincoln would feel, and what he would say, if he could see how far our nation has come since he ended slavery. He never could have imagined that in less that 200yrs a black man would be taking the oath of office on his bible, and that across a grand marble monument to Lincoln himself watched across the mall. I think he would be suprised at the success of the civil rights movement, and honored that all of this success was ultimately due to him. The simularities between Obama and Lincoln are incredible. Without one we wouldn't have the other. I hope Americans and politicians listen to Obama and follow in old honest Abe's footsteps. If history is right, I think following in those footsteps will lead us out of anything, even this recession.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Man accused of Obama threats pleads not guilty"

On Tuesday Timothy Ryan Gutierrez, 20, appeared in court on charges of threatening to kill President Barack Obama and to blow up the Mall of America. He pleaded not guilty to the Colorado grand jury, and was detained without bail. The man had emailed the FBI 8 days before the inaguration saying they had 48 hours to stop him from assasinating the president-elect, and a second email threatened to blow up 40 pounds of dynamite in cars in front of the mall. Gutierrez says this was a prank, and he turned himself in on January 29th in Durango, Colorado.

It is both terrifying and sad that we live in a world full of bomb and death threats, where no one can really with total peace of mind. This man claims that the emails were a 'prank' but in my opinion that is almost as sick as making the real threat. Murder of the president and other innocent people (within our state of Minnesota!) is nothing to joke about, and if he believes this is funny he needs serious help. I have been so excited for Obama to be our president, but since he was elected I continue to hear whispers that since he is black someone is bound to assasinate him. I believe this is a horrible and wrong way to look at this exciting new era in our nations history. Why must people automatically be so pessimistic? Why can't we believe in the deep-down good nature of people? The answer to that question lies with people like Mr. Gutierrez who continue setting a horrible precident for the good of humanity. I hope that this man will get the help he needs, and is stopped from causing any more chaos. I also sincerely hope that the safety of our new president and our contry is kept secure from the likes of him.,