Thursday, January 14, 2010

Churches, groups worry about members missing in Haiti

This Tuesday the country of Haiti was hit by a massive earthquake, devastating the infrastructure there, killing thousands, and injuring many more. It is estimated that 45,000 Americans were in Haiti at the time of the disaster, many of them visiting or working there, many on behalf of churches, and many have yet to be heard from. Family and friends back in the U.S. attempt to stay optimistic as they wait for news. A two to three day lag in communication is common after natural disasters, but anxiety is rising as time passes with still no word. Stories of rescues and survival are beginning to spread, however. Two American missionaries were pulled from the rubble of their house after more than 11 hours buried in rubble. The parents of one of the missionaries said "It's a beautiful country, and they're a beautiful people, and they need a lot of help right now...Our baby is safe, but there's so many babies that aren't safe." Their daughter doesn't
want to leave Haiti in its hour of need. Many groups have been accounted for, but several have yet to be heard of.

Natural disasters are so horrific, and terrifying since there is almost nothing that people can do do predict, prepare, or prevent them. Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world, and so it seems terribly unfair that after all their struggles there is only more devistation. I hope that these Americans are found safe and well, but I agree completely with Olivia when she says that sometimes it seems like Americans feel like they are "more worth saving." There is so much news coverage of the 45,000 Americans in Haiti, but what about the millions of Haitians? The people who are truly suffering are the natives of this destructed land. Does it not matter that thousands more of them are in mortal peril, buried under rubble, or fighting for their life in a hospital? No one cares about them because they are poor, and foreign. We should care that Americans are safe, but we should care even more about the well-being of Haiti. Haitian lives are just as valuable as American ones. Wealthy nations now must band together to restore Haiti so that it and its people can recover, and have a better future.

Check out Olivia's blog on the same topic here.


Monday, January 4, 2010

U.S. Embassy closure followed terror threat

The U.S. closed it's embassy in Yemen on Monday after threats that Al Qaeda opperatives were going to target the it in an attack. Originally information showed that 8 terrorists would be involved in the bombing, but of those three were killed and one was arrested wearing a suicide bombing vest. The remaining four men are unaccounted for. Many other embassys in the country are either closing or increasing security, including Great Britain, Spain, Japan, Germany and France. Al Qaeda has been gaining much strength in Yemen in the past years, raising fears. This especially after Yemen was linked with the attempted terrorist attack on a U.S. bound airplane. Obama has pledged to hold everyone in the attempted bombings accountable, and to crack down on extremist strong-holds in Yemen.

I believe that the government has every right to take extremely cautious measures in the Middle East to ensure safety. I agree entirely with Alexis Nielson when she points out the U.S.'s unpopularity in this region, especially with our ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. We must not only expect violent opposition, but plan on it and be prepared. These terrorists want to make a statement against our country, whether it is justified or not. We must put into consideration Yemen's tumultuous history, and respect the culture and the people there so that we don't enrage anyone further. In the meanwhile, closing the embassy is a smart move to prevent death, especially since this has been a target in the past. Acting as swiftly and quickly as possible is the best method, but as Alexis points out, it doesn't mean that a more heavily armed and determined militant group won't continue to put their plans into action. The Middle East is a scary place right now. Hopefully one day, peace can be achieved.

Check out Alexis Nielson's blog on this topic to learn more.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Issue #2: "Boosting the Minimum"

The United States, home to the world's strongest economy and technological innovation, is also home to more than 37 million people living below the poverty line. Any U.S. family of four whose annual income in 2006 was less than $20,444 is considered poor by the federal government's standards. This makes up 12.6% of all Americans, and more than 17% of American children. Some of the people in this unfortunate group are temporarily stuck in tough economic times, perhaps due to job loss, divorce, etc. However, other people are permanently stuck in their poor economic situation. 3 million of the poorest Americans are employed full time. Although these people work hard and long hours many are paid only minimum wage, which is not enough to support a comfortable living for a family. Before 2007 the minimum wage had not been raised from $5.15 in more than a decade, not keeping up with inflation and cost of living, which enraged many people. This is why there was great support for Democratic efforts to raise the minimum wage to $7.25, which was signed into law by President Bush along with a bill for funding in Iraq. There is still pressure to raise the minimum wage even further. The increase would raise the take-home pay of millions of Americans, and many believe this would allow full-time work­ers who earn minimum wage to rise above the poverty threshold, with the help of the Food Stamp Program and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Supporters argue that this would overall improve the economy since there will be more people with more money to spend, ensuring that businesses would profit. This would counteract the negative effect that businesses would have to spend more to pay employees. They also say that it is unecessary to offer businesses further tax cuts, since they already have had generous tax cuts and more would add to the goverment's deficit. There are of course opponents to an increased minimum wage. These people argue that an increase is counterproductive since it affects few people, many of whome are teens, not families in poverty. Instead businesses will suffer because the cost of doing business will go up, along with prices and job cuts. They recommend leaving the market to let supply and demand determine wages, and use the EITC to combat poverty instead.

It is utterly unjust that good, hard-working people are forced to live below the poverty line. Nobody who works 40 to 60 hour work weeks deserves to live in such dreary conditions. Many people blame the poor for being lazy, but I disagree. People working minimum wage jobs have to work long and hard, and often times in a difficult environment, just to scrape a living for their family. This is by no means lazy. I believe that one of the best ways to beat this cycle of misfortune is to raise the minimum wage. Doing so would raise the standard of living for the hard-working lower class, so that eventually they can lift themselves out by their bootstraps. Any small improvement we can make in standard of living in one generation can benefit the next generation ten fold. If a parent making minimum wage is given the chance to earn more, they can maybe send their children off to a better school and give them better experience so they can succeed. I think that the economy would be only positivly affected by such a measure. Most businesses can afford to give their workers the little bit more they deserve, especially giant corporations like Walmart and McDonalds. Besides, if minimum wage increased at the same rate as CEO salary increases, minimum wage would be over $23. CEOs didn't need or deserve what they have gotten. I think its time we closed the income gap and give the lowest earning workers the raise they deserve.

Minnesota's Senator Amy Klobuchar shares my opinion on this topic. Read this article to learn more: Senator Amy Klobuchar Delivers Senate Floor Speech on the Need for an Increased Minimum Wage

Want to learn more about other jobs and welfare Issues? See these student blogs-
Joe's Blog: Issue #1: All Things Being Unequal
Jon's Blog: Issue #2: Putting Welfare to Work

Monday, December 14, 2009

American hikers to stand trial

Back on July 31, three U.S. hikers, Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd, and Josh Fattal, were in the midst of a 5-day trek in Kurdistan when they accidentally wandered past an unmarked border into Iran. They were arrested by the Iranian government, and charged with espionage. Now they will be put on trial. According to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the charges are entirely unfounded, that the Americans and "have absolutely no connection with any kind of action against the Iranian state or governmet." Since the U.S. has had no diplomatic relations with Iran since 1979, Swiss diplomats are applealing for them. Prominent activists, as well as the families of the accused have petitioned the Iranian government for their release. Iranian President Ahmadinejad says he has no control over the case, and that "illegal entry" is a crime in every country.

I am astonished that such a trivial mistake by some innocent hikers could have erupted into such a diplomatic battle. The Iranian government has enough trouble on its plate, especially as the countries of the world already are wary of their dangerous and un-cooperative actions in many other aspects. The nuclear threat from Iran has been looming for quite some time, and negotiations seem to get nowhere, no matter what sanctions and other warnings the U.N. hands down to Iran. This story is a much smaller example of how Iran is ostrasizing itself from the world. I wonder why they have to be so intentionally ornery, especially when it harms their reputation and success in the long run. I only hope that they will see to a just descision in the courts, which is to let these three Americans free. They have obviously done nothing, and holding them is a petty way to insult America. Why can't we all just get along? I hope that these three hikers come out of this ordeal unscathed. If they get jail-time, that is an outrage.


Monday, December 7, 2009

U.S. military children arrested in Japan

On Saturday four American teenagers were taken into custody by Tokyo police on charges of attempted murder. All of them are children of U.S. military personnel and are accused of stringing a rope across a road by tieing it to two poles, and causing severe head injury to a 23 year old woman who was then knocked off her motorbike. This incident was reported in October, but there is little explanation for the delayed arrests. This is only one incident of many that have caused tension between the U.S. military prescence in Japan and the residents of the country. Last year a 14 year old girl accused a Marine of rape, but did not pursue charges, and in 1995 a girl was gang-raped by three U.S. military personnell who were found guilty by a Japanese court. Japanese residents also say that crime and noise are disrupptions from the U.S. military.

Until I read this article I was mostly unaware that there even was a U.S. military prescence in Japan. All the media coverage of the military that I see focuses on the Middle East, Afghanistan and Iraq. Japan seems like an incredibly stable and prosperous nation in present times compared to most of the world, so the need for U.S. soldiers to be stationed there seems pointless. It is disheartening to hear of how some people have abused their welcome in this foreign land. When just a few people behave in such a horrible manner abroad, it casts a negative oppinion on the entire country they represent. If our military committs heinous crimes, what opinion will the world have of America? The teens who are accused of this crime are not in the military, but they are the product of the military, so the impact of their actions is not diminished. They're actions were incredibly cruel, reckless, and thoughtless. Did they actually think this was some sort of funny prank? If so, they need some major counseling. I wonder how the legal system in Japan differs from ours here in the U.S. Committing a crime anywhere is horrible, but to do it in a country who is hosting you seems even worse. I wonder how the legal process will play out in this case.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Scores arrested in wildlife poaching raids

Interpol announced on Monday that in an operation targeting the "biggest ever transnational wildlife crime operation in Africa" they arrested more than 100 people and seized more than 2 tons of ivory. The very successful 'Operation Costa' worked across six Eastern African countries with police, wildlife, customs, and national intelligence agencies. The inspections, raids, and arrests took place in markets in these countries. This operation was one of the biggest busts on record, and shows the willingness of law enforcement to defeat wildlife crime. The illegal ivory trade not only harms animals, but has killed many law enforcement officers, threatened citizens with violence, corruption, and negatively impacted the economy.

I have seen many gruesome images of the effects of illegal poaching in Africa. Being an animal lover, it is always hard to hear and see such majestic creatures as elephants reduced to a rotting carcass and some ivory tusks. Hopefully a successful raid like this will help to destroy the ivory trade and poaching business. There must be consequences around the globe for endangering species of animals simply for the sake of greed. Slaughtering an enormous elephant, simply to harvest two tusks and leave the rest is an incredibly inconsiderate and wasteful act. I hope that people who contribute to the ivory trade by purchasing such contraband realize what they are a part of. I think that a far more profitable business would be to invest in the natural beauty of the land and animals of Africa. Protecting these valuable resources will do abundant good for people and the world.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Father of 'balloon boy' pleads guilty

In a Colorado Court this morning Richard Heene pleaded guilty to the charge of attempting to influence a public servant. The Heene family was brought into the media spotlight in October when a large helium balloon broke free from their yard, and flew high over Colorado. Heene's wife, Mayumi, called 911 saying their 6-year-old son, Falcon, was in the balloon. Rescuers frantically tracked the balloon for 2 hours, and brought it down safely, all this as millions of tv viewers watched on nervously. It turns out that Falcon never was in the balloon, he had been safe at home the whole time, with his parent's knowledge. The Heene parents had planned this as a publicity stunt for weeks "to make their family more marketable for future media interests", even instructing their children on how to lie to authorities. Richard Heene could end up with as much as 90 days in jail, and Mayumi (charged with misdemeanor of false reporting to authorities) could serve 60 days.

One of my biggest pet peeves is stage parents. Parents who tirelessly push their children into the spotlight in order to reap the glory for themselves. The children who are stuck in such a demanding situation never seem to turn out ok. Just look at the lives of former child stars. Drugs, alcohol, depression, rehab, eating disorders, divorce, bankrupcy. These are just a few of the side-affects of a childhood in the spotlight, if you can even call it a childhood. This story about the 'balloon boy' is stage parenting taken to another level. The Heene parents were so desperate for attention that they were willing to fake the near death of one of their children, and willing to corrupt their children by training them to lie to authorities. I can't think of an example of more irresponsible parenting. Obviously not a single thought went into the well being of their children as the Heenes plotted this publicity stunt. I think that after exibiting such direguard for their kids mental and physical health these parent should have their custody revoked. I only hope that Falcon and his siblings can grow up in a safe and loving environment where people actually care about their well-being. Hopefully the destructive actions of their parents haven't already corrupted their futures.
